hallo ich brauche ihre hilfe bei meiner Mettler Toledo Waage Uc Htt m ich möchte Windows drauf booten aber es gibt probleme
a gift for you i your email
Ftirst of all thanks you very much for the help
my operation system is windows 7
i put Jida.dll in c:\windows\system32
i open Mettler Toledo UC LoadCell test tool as administrator
i click on Open Scale i get the error No access to Jida board Open application as administrator
i try to rergister Jida.dll (regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\Jida.dll) i get error entry-point DLLRegisterServer was not found
make sure that c:\windows\system32\Jida.dll is a valid DLL
i read that i have to put Jida.sys c:\windows\system32 but the file not exist
i read that i have to run Jida.exe but the file not exist
any solution please ???
Could you try again after running this installer? This installs the Jida library on your scale for the Kontron board.
Perhaps as an extra test, remove the jida.dll from the folder of the test app.
UC-HTT-M – Google Drive
I placed a disk copy of a UC-HTT-M scale in Drive. Created with AOMEI Backupper
This is de Github repo https://github.com/Lg0enga/MettlerToledoUcTestTools
Can you please add me to the google drive image or the driver please? dotmoe22@gmail.com
thank you very much for the help
in witch port the scale UC-HTT-M is connected COM1 or COM2 or USB
i am expert with Access and visual basic 6 but not with C#
so please gives me instruction how to use your software
thanks in advance